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Wireshark II

Connect your iOS device to Wireshark to begin packet sniffing.

To set up packet capture from your iPhone, plug it into your mac with a wire.

Get the UDID identifier for your iPhone from the Devices and Simulators window in Xcode. The identifier will have a dash after the 8th character. Copy the entire string including the dash.

In the terminal, enter ‘rvictl -s’ followed by the identifier, as in:


If it succeeds, you should see:

“Starting device XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [SUCCEEDED] with interface rvi0”

Note the interface identifier is ‘rvi0.’ Open up Wireshark. You should see that interface identifier in the home window of Wireshark.

Double click it:

Now you are seeing packet captures from your iPhone! We’ll get into more details next.


James Robinson Douglas Stewart
